
4 Types of General Insurance You can Buy Online

  Since the pandemic of COVID-19 for over a year, individuals have begun taking additional consideration of their wellbeing. The anxiety toward getting affected by a dangerous infection and not being able to handle the cost of treatment has driven many individuals to buy a health insurance policy for them as well as their family. This is only one type of the general insurance that individuals have been purchasing on the web because of the pandemic. There are various sorts of general insurance policies that you can buy online from the solace of your home. Here are 4 types of the general insurance policy that you can purchase online: 1.       Vehicle insurance Vehicle insurance is the type of insurance that guarantees the safety of your vehicle. The vehicle could be a car, bike or even a commercial vehicle. Vehicular insurance has subtypes like car insurance and bike insurance. This type of insurance is intended to give you and your vehicle the most ideal financial protection from any

4 FAQs related to Car Insurance

  Purchasing insurance for your car is a meticulous process as you would want the best features in shielding your car from any sort of mishap or other disasters. Depending on your need and budget, you can either go for a comprehensive car insurance , or you can go for a third-party car insurance, which is obligatory under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. It is natural to have many questions before you even buy the insurance. Every car always goes through the what, how, why and when while they look for the insurance they need. To lessen your confusion, here are 4 frequently asked questions about car insurance:   1.       Do you get personal accident cover? If your car is involved in an accident, not only will it cause considerable damage to your car, you could get severely injured as well. In the event that your injuries cause partial or total disability or your death, having personal accident protection in your car insurance can be beneficial. This would mean that your family gets compe

Here are 4 Exclusions of the Commercial Vehicle Insurance

  There are various kinds of commercial vehicles that are utilized for various purposes. Trucks are utilised for the transportation of different types of goods and services. Buses and taxis are utilized for the transportation of people starting with one spot then onto the next. Vehicles like cranes, rollers, or cold storage vehicles are utilized for particular purposes. One thing which is undeniable, nonetheless, is that these vehicles cost a great deal and damage caused to these vehicles could hamper you monetarily and impact your business. Therefore you ought to get motor insurance for your commercial vehicles. The commercial vehicle insurance not only protects your vehicles, it also safeguards your business. However, there are exclusions in this insurance that you should be aware of. Listed below are 4 such exclusions of the commercial vehicle insurance: 1.       Vehicle associated with illegal activities Assuming the commercial vehicle that you own is utilized by you in a cr

What are some of the myths related to two-wheeler insurance?

  A two-wheeler insurance plays a significant part in guaranteeing that your bike stays safe from on-road mishaps by providing the best financial protection. It also helps in decreasing the strain on your funds when your bike gets damaged. In spite of this, numerous people don't opt for the insurance. A central justification for this is the predominance of different myths with respect to bike insurance . Myths are there to broken, and given below are 4 such myths related to two-wheeler insurance and the facts for those myths, that will especially help potential customers of bike insurance: 1.       Myth: Comprehensive bike insurance is costly due to its coverage While it is true that the premium cost of comprehensive bike is higher compared to the third-party insurance, there is a reason behind this price disparity. One should remember that the additional cost is due to the extra benefits and features you get in the policy. However, it is possible for you to decrease the price

Two-wheeler insurance rates: 4 factors that can affect them

  As a bike owner, one of the essential and helpful things that you can do is purchase bike insurance policy. There are many advantages that you get when you put resources in purchasing a bike insurance online. When you buy the policy online, you will get two alternatives to select from: third-party and comprehensive. Depending on your budget and requirements, you can buy either one of them. However, there are many factors that can affect two-wheeler insurance rates when you are looking to buy. Here are 4 such factors that can impact the price of your policy: 1.       The number of add-ons in your policy When you purchase comprehensive bike insurance online, you have the option of including various add-ons in your policy. These add-ons include NCB cover, zero depreciation cover, and emergency roadside assistance among others. Including too many add-ons in the policy could impact the two-wheeler insurance rates. It is prudent to include only those add-ons in your policy which you deem

Two-Wheeler Insurance Premium Calculator: How to use it?

  Due to the ever-increasing number of vehicles on-road, there has been a rise in the number of vehicular accidents as well. In a quick moving world, individuals don't pause for a moment before settling on a choice, particularly when it's tied in with arriving at their destination on schedule. Such spontaneous decision making can cause setbacks when on the road and might actually damage your vehicle and harm you as well. Therefore it is imperative that you buy vehicle insurance, such as bike insurance for your bike to get the necessary financial protection from on-road mishaps. Nonetheless, numerous bike owners get deterred quickly because of the price of the insurance policy. This is where two-wheeler insurance premium calculator comes in handy, and given below are steps for using this calculator: 1. Access the website of the insurance provider The initial step is to visit and sign into the site of your favoured insurer. After you sign-in, select the two-wheeler insurance pre

How to Reduce Two-wheeler Insurance Rates?

  As a potential bike owner who is looking to buy their first bike, it is your responsibility to purchase bike insurance along with your brand new bike. It is required by the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 that you should possess a basic third-party insurance for your bike to be able to ride your bike on Indian roads. The third-party insurance costs comparatively low due to its limited coverage. Although investing in it is a good idea; if you are looking for extensive coverage for your bike, you should go for the comprehensive bike insurance . However the two-wheeler insurance rates for the comprehensive policy can be a little higher. Here are 4 tips to reduce the cost of this policy: 1.       Installing safety devices in your bike Due to the growing number of cases related to the theft of two-wheelers, it is imperative of you as a bike owner to ensure the safety of your bike. There are safety devices that you can install in your bike. Devices such as handle lock and lock for the sea